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September 3, 2019
In CNC machining process, CNC control panel is a key element and be set in CNC lathe, CNC mill, CNC router, CNC wedm etc. It is used to set parameters to program the machine running.
Everyday, CNC worker should contact the machining center operation.
emergency stop button of CNC machine
Press this switch and the CNC machine will stop, usually in an emergency or unexpected state. Then, all actions of machines, such as turning, milling movement is stop.
CNC control panel keys explain
CNC Operating Panel Explanation
CNC Programming for Machining Center
CNC Machining Center Operating Panel Explain
CNC Operating Panel keys mean
The switch on the left is used to adjust the feed rate. On the right is the spindle speed adjustment button.
CNC Programming Panel Explanation
The loop start button, Program pause, Program MOO stop.
spindle key of CNC operation panel
This represents the corresponding spindle. Normally, there are no 5-axis and 6-axis machine tools. Neglectable
CNC machining speed control keys
Used to control the movement of machine tools. Press the key in it and it will feed quickly.
cnc machine spindle direction control
The spindle turns forward, the spindle stops and the spindle reverses.
CNC digital alphabet panel
The digital alphabet panel, which needs no explanation, is like the keyboard of a mobile computer.
POS key is the meaning of coordinate system. Press this key to see the absolute coordinate machine tool coordinate system with relative coordinates.
ProG is a program key, and the corresponding program operation usually needs to be operated in the mode of pressing this key.
OFFSETSETTING is used to set the coordinate system in tool setting.
Shift is the shift key.
CAN is to cancel the key error instruction can be cancelled by pressing this key.
IUPUT is the input key, which is needed for general data input and parameter input.
SYETEM system key. Mainly used to view system parameter settings.
MESSAGE is mainly information prompt.
CUSTOM Graphic Parameter Command.
ALTEL is a replacement key used to replace instructions in programs.
Insert is used for inserting instructions into program code.
Delete is mainly used to delete code.
RESET is an important button. It is mainly used to reset, stop the program and stop some instructions.
The keys are basically finished, familiarity needs to be practiced on the CNC machining works.
KYLT CNC Machining Services:
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